Bli bedre kjent med Thomas Lewandowski

Vi har satt oss ned med Thomas Lewandowski for å bli bedre kjent med han. 

Fet IL

Thomas, du forlater verdensscenen og har nå startet å jobbe for din lokale klubb Fet IL.

The size of the club, or sport level is not important for me. I used to work with the strongest sport federations of Europe, biggest sport clubs, but also small and local clubs, or closing the sport league teams.

Hvordan havnet du i Fet IL?

I lived couple of years in Oslo. Worked for Oslo Maraton, Sportskubben Vidar and Bækkelagets Sportsklubb. Huge projects, big challenges. But I could also taste of working in Kristiansand or Jessheim. I like the atmosphere, local community engagement and identity I could see in smaller towns. Together with my family we decided to move out and have an easy access to the nature and peace, quietness. We also believe that it is easier to assimilate with the community and find a good friends in the small place full of locals than in big city where people are always in the hurry. And this is how we moved here 4 years ago.

Du hadde mange jobbmuligheter, hvorfor valgte du å jobbe for Fet IL istedenfor de store klubbene i Oslo?

The last 20 years I was very busy giving my service and expertise to the athletes and teams all over the world. And managing my company. Big projects. But living in Fetsund I could experience different side of sport. My son was very active doing many sports, me and my wife love healthy activities and were looking for an offer. We got it here in FET IL. I was surprised how much they do for the people, in fact, they are the biggest club in Lillestrom commune. I met coaches, parents, and I saw how active they are, how engaged they are. They really care! Care about the kids and youngsters, about being active, live healthy and well-being. I wanted to be a part of this society.

Creating champions is a difficult but great job. An individual or team medal is a success with great media coverage and great commercial importance. It is glory and a record in the pages of history.

Increasing awareness among the society, increasing the condition of people, general psychophysical fitness, and consequently a healthier, happier, and calmer life of the whole society is a great success, not for individuals, but for the whole society, all of us.

A small group of people strive for the championship, usually great talents, or great dreamers. Only a few achieve it. My desire to create a champion has been replaced by desire of a whole society to win. The target audience is much larger. Because this is us, all of us, regardless of the sports level, regardless of whether we have talent or not. We can win our lives as a society! And that would be a real success!

Dette er store ambisjoner, hvordan skal vi få til dette i Fet IL?

I noticed how the club has developed. They have a good team of people in administration, they have good coaches, and great players, very nice sport facility. Very active and helpful are parents and voluntary group. With them we can arrange many nice events. And with huge, positive will, interest and involvement, very eager, to take a part in it or to challenge themselves - are our members. Having all these, there is nothing more we need here in Fetsund. I just want to enjoy the work with them, in this atmosphere, support them in bringing the whole club to the next level. I’m sure it will bring the fresh view and high quality.

I will respect the sport plan of FET IL, it’s goals and keep the main principles: positive, inclusive, and active.

And I will make sure FET IL multi-sports team that offers activity and meaning throughout life.

Hvor vil du starte?

I’m here to serve the people. So, I start with them. I’m going to talk to the current members, and those who are not a member yet, to the coaches, parents, administration to meet issues they face, the challenges, their expectations and ideas -to see the big picture and to create a long-term development plan including the short time goals. We will provide the advanced sport tests with analyze, scan for the our players and teams, to see the weaknesses and strengths and to avoid injuries, increase the focus on the prevention. If they are healthy and we know them well the coaches can do their jobs! We take it step by step, without shortcuts.

Dette handler om profesjonalisering, vi trenger dette i vår klubb, men også i Norsk idrett.

Yes I could noticed that. Norwegian sport is made from the sport you develop in the clubs and towns. The champions come to the national team from there. We will increase our level, and that will improve national sport. But please remember the sport in Fetsund is just one of the fields I want to improve. Other fields are: recreation/amateur activities and events. Our fundaments are strong coaches and leaders. They are visible and make a model role. So, we want to invest in them by arranging the good education and practice. We can do it in cooperation with institutions, other clubs, also abroad, and with invited great coaches (intern). But first we have to improve a collaboration network.

Allerede 22. september arrangerer fotballgruppa en trenersamling med fokus på hurtighet. Denne samling er for alle trenere, men den praktiske delen tar for seg fotball. Les mer og meld deg på her.

Tenker du på noe spesielt i så hensende?

We didn’t decide yet. But activities for ladies, early birds, for families, evening and weekend activities, seasonal projects, seminars, and courses are on the table. We can gain from our location and great nature around to put a fingerprint on the Norwegian map by doing attractive mass event. We have many ideas and I hope to have even more after I meet the members. Because it is all for them, I want to meet their expectation and cover their needs.

Så hva ønsker du deg fra Fet IL i din ny jobb?

I dream about most active and healthiest community in the country. And I would love to have more members than we have inhabitants in our area. I know it is possible. Include the people, educate, and inspire our society, investment in them, giving them tools, possibilities, having an offer for everyone, will result in identification with the club and a sense of responsibility. FET IL for Hele livet !

Så du snakker Norsk?

Jeg snakker ikke norsk. Jeg forstår litt. Jeg foretrekker å uttrykke meg selv, mine meninger, tanker eller følelser på engelsk slik at jeg kan bli godt forstått. Men jeg har ikke noe problem med å gi enkle kommandoer under opplæring i norsk. I tillegg presenterer jeg alltid øvelser og oppgaver. Jeg har aldri hatt problemer med å trene med barn, ungdom eller eldre. Etter å ha brutt ned barrierene som er i begynnelsen, kommer vi godt overens. Og jeg lærer fremdeles norsk og kommunikasjon blir enklere og enklere.

Da gjenstår det bare å si, lykke til Thomas!

Tusen takk!

